Christian Jensen Interview!

Rounding out our x-tacular Thursday (with a definite dilf ;)–welcome Christian Jensen to the blog!!

Tell us about yourself in fifteen words or less.

My life is about hot sex, cool cars, and loud rock and roll.

How do you define “erotic”?
It’s all about walking up behind your lover, putting hot breath on their neck and licking their skin. It’s touching them so lightly the gooselflesh explodes and they are filled with the electric tingle of desire. It’s touching them close to where they are begging you, but making them wait, torturing them with your deliberate slowness as your hands and mouth slip over their body until they just can’t take it any longer.

What makes erotica different than other genres (besides the knockage of boots)?
Erotica is a slow burn. You need to tease so much more than in other genres, filling the reader with passion and want that obsesses them. Then you need to deliver such a clear visual image that there is no misunderstanding. It’s a delicate dance.

Where do you find inspiration for your work?
Some of it is my own sexual fantasy; most of it comes from my past experiences. Sometimes it’s a quick daydream, but without a doubt there is no shortage of material.  

What sets you apart from other erotic work out there?
I am a dude. We are far and away the minority as far as romance and erotica writers go, so that seperates me from the heard a bit. Other than that I love pushing the envelope, telling stories that may make people uncomfortable at first, but it’s that feeling of “I shouldn’t be reading this” that makes it so exciting. I also like to balance my wordage, keeping things fairly clean for awhile and then going full bore XXX dirty, making the reader shift into high gear just as the action pics up. I love writing out my sex scenes real slow, adding longer foreplay in, and talking about the absolute need my characters have in fucking each other, I really try to get that need into the reader as well.

Pick one of your erotic works–if it were made into a movie, who’d play the various characters and why?
Damn, why not pic a favorite child? Haha, OK. I would say Spanking Amy, and it would have to be played by myself (because I am the male character in that book, one hundred percent) and I would want Viva Bianca (Spartacus, Blood in the Sand) to play Amy. Of course, there is a real Amy, but I can’t tell you who she is.

Where can readers connect with you and find your work online?
I am on facebook
Twitter @hororwritindad
I have a website (still under construction)
I have a kindle author page
My email is

Thanks for swinging by, Christian! 😀

About violetwilliamserotica

I'm an erotica writer that spends my days camped out at coffee shops, weaving naughty tales that aren't for the faint of heart.
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6 Responses to Christian Jensen Interview!

  1. Missy says:

    Damn!! LOving your definition of erotic. Sounds pretty much like a Dom talking!
    Definitely going to have to get one of your books!

  2. I agree – love your definition of erotic! Nice to get to know more about you 🙂

  3. Kellie, it’s great to have people reading and enjoying my interview. Who knew my definition of erotica would get such a great response? I’ve contacted the people at Websters and am currently pettitioning them to change the definition to mine, keep your fingers crossed. lol. Glad you liked the interview! Happy Holidays!

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